Computing at Green End
and at our other Trust schools
The intent is to develop technological skills that are age-appropriate and challenging, which enable children to be at the forefront of current and future developments in the ever-evolving technological world.
We aim to develop technological skills that are age-appropriate and challenging, starting with using blocks of code in year 1, up to writing some of their own code in year 6. In EYFS, they start their coding experiences by programming beebots to take simple journeys. We build on children’s skills and knowledge year-on-year so our pupils will be efficient coding and in computational thinking, which is one of the key skills looked for once children leave school.
Coding in Year 1 - Sequencing and loops using block coding
Coding in Year 2 - Sequencing and loops using block coding with accurate measurements and directions
Coding in Year 3 - Introducing events and nested loops
Coding in Year 4 - Introducing functions and conditionals
Coding in Year 5 - Introducing variables
Coding in Year 6 - Creating simple games
Word Processing
We aim to develop skills that are age-appropriate and challenging. We wish to enable our children to exchange, organise, manipulate and present information across the wider curriculum effectively.
We believe that word processing is a brilliant tool for enhancing the curriculum and allowing wider opportunities for collaboration and exploration. We aim to both equip the children with the necessary digital literacy skills and to add wonder across the curriculum where possible.
Word processing in year 1 - learning how to type - basic keys and changing the features of text
Word processing in year 2 - Typing and editing work using the undo key, screenshots and the shift key
Word processing in Year 3 - inserting tables into a document
Word processing in Year 4 - Merging cells within a table
Word processing in Year 5 - Using shortcuts to speed up typing and when creating a document
Word processing in Year 6 - Using headers, page numbers, find and replace and all the features taught throughout KS1 and KS2 to create documents
ICT in other subjects
In Science
In Geography
As an assessment tool