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Dance at Green End

and at our other Trust schools


Our dance curriculum takes the children on a journey of expressive movement from nursery to year 6 developing their creative thought from a range of stimuli to encourage both independent and collaborative ideas.

Children use a range of stimuli in dance; art, literacy, poetry inspired, the natural world, feelings and emotions and themes such as conflict.

In EYFS children are exploring different ways to move, using songs as a stimulus.

'A journey through expressive movement'

In Year 1 the children have been inspired by the story of the Gruffalo. They have been exploring different body shapes to become creatures in the deep, dark wood. Using levels, they will explore the different shapes made by the mouse, the owl and the snake.

Which animal am I showing through my dance?

In Year 2, the children have build  on the Year 1 learning to include a variety of balances and levels in their dance. The children are exploring the animals of the Polar Regions, using movements to become different animals. Throughout the unit, they will be focussing on using dynamics to vary the speed of the animal they are representing.

'Independent and collaborative ideas'


'A variety of dance styles'

In Year 3 the children have been inspired by the story of 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. Using the skills of levels and unison, the children explore and become the characters within the story.

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year 3 a.jpeg

'A range of stimuli'

In year 4, the children have been inspired by the great barrier reef. To immerse themselves in their new unit, the children have begun by building a short phrase of movements from motifs they created based on words to do with the reef. They will build on these ideas throughout the unit, exploring different ways to represent the nature and creatures found in the sea.

Year 5 have been inspired by their art unit on Mary Cassatt, an artist whose paintings were inspired by family love. Using her works as their stimulus, they have focused on portraying different emotions through their movements, with a particular focus on including a variety of dynamics in their dance. 

'Physically demanding'


In dance this half term, Year 6 have used a poem all about winter as a stimulus. Using levels, unison and call and response, the children have become snowflakes, melting, freezing and swirling around the rooftops. They have begun working in larger groups and have explored using unison and canon techniques.

Find Us

​Green End Primary School

Burnage Lane


Manchester, M19 1DR

Contact Us

Executive Headteacher/CEO - Lisa Vyas

Head of School - Jeff Harriott

SENDCO - Emma Easmon

Telephone: 0161 432 7036


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