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Remote Learning

Government guidance for Remote learning can be found here and the school’s approach is guided by this guidance. Providing remote education: guidance for schools – GOV.UK (

Attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age. On very few occasions, there may be a situation where we will have to provide Remote Learning for pupils. Circumstances where it might not be possible for pupils to receive in person education fit into 2 broad categories:

  • School closures or restrictions on attendance, where school access for pupils is restricted

  • Individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able to lear

In all other cases, all pupils should attend school, in line with our attendance policy. Remote education is not viewed as an equal alternative to attendance in school.


Pupils receiving remote education will be marked absent in line with the Pupil Registration Regulations.

We will consider providing remote education to pupils in circumstances when in-person attendance is either not possible or contrary to government guidance.


Our approach to remote learning is in line with that for in school learning.


​​​We know that your support as parents is crucial in ensuring that your child continues successfully on their journey but also appreciate that juggling home and remote learning is not easy.  Please contact your child’s class teacher, through the class email address, if you need any further support.



Parent summary – what to expect

The overview below gives a summary of what to expect in regards to remote learning, as a parent.


All information will be shared with parents after an educational risk assessment meeting has taken place. Information will set out the approach we will take for remote learning, giving times, curriculum information and how to access the remote learning.


Where do we access the work?

Work will be accessed depending on the individual need of the child. This may be online or paper based.


​​What happens each day?

Each day new work will be set according to how your child is accessing the learning.


Will there be feedback?

Yes there will be feedback. We ask that if at all possible, please finish any work set by the end of the normal school day so that the teacher has time to respond and adapt any work for the following day.


What happens if my child is having trouble with their work?

Please contact the teacher for help using the class email address. Please be mindful that teachers may also be teaching lessons in school. If you have not had any contact after 24 hours, please phone the school.


How much work will can I expect to see?

For nursery through to year 2 there will be approximately 3 hours of work set a day. For year 3 to year 6 there will be approximately 4 hours of work set a day.


What is the work based on?

Their work is based on the curriculum they are learning in school. We have prioritised 3 areas; mathematics, English and PE, however we recognise the importance of all curriculum areas and will be setting as much work as we can that reflects this within the limitations of remote learning.


What about if my child has additional needs?

The work set by the teacher should allow for children from a range of educational needs. However if a child as a particular need around EAL or SEND, then it may be that staff from the SEND or EAL teams will support in the development of activities or resources to support learning. If your child is having difficulty accessing the work please don’t hesitate to contact the school.



Find Us

​Green End Primary School

Burnage Lane


Manchester, M19 1DR

Contact Us

Executive Headteacher/CEO - Lisa Vyas

Head of School - Jeff Harriott

SENDCO - Emma Easmon

Telephone: 0161 432 7036


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