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Our partner school in Rwanda is called GS Kamonyi in Kamonyi, a small village in the centre of Rwanda. Our Year One classes worked with them to compare their different Christmas celebrations. 




In addition, our Global Citizens worked on a fundraising project where they sold friendship bracelets made by children from GS Kamonyi to parents and children throughout the trust. As well as raising money for GS Kamonyi,  and celebrating their skills, our children also learnt important enterprise skills in the advertising and selling of the bracelets. We raised over £800 for ICT equipment for their school which meant they were able to buy three iPads! 




Find Us

​Green End Primary School

Burnage Lane


Manchester, M19 1DR

Contact Us

Executive Headteacher/CEO - Lisa Vyas

Head of School - Jeff Harriott

SENDCO - Emma Easmon

Telephone: 0161 432 7036


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